Wednesday 3 September 2014

Style Tips For New Moms

If you have taken a sabbatical or are on a maternity break you just get spoilt. A long period of being at home in your own space and mothering a baby 24/7 leaves you a bit lax about yourself. Initially, when you conceive you invest in a lot of maternity clothes and during your pregnancy you get pampered and you like to dress up and flaunt your baby bump. The Baby arrives and come out even more comfy and casual clothes. Tees and Tracks become your staple.

It hit me when I had to go for a job interview almost 2+ years after my son was born. So I just did what I do best, promptly went and shopped for a couple of formal outfits. lollzz Of course the job never came to me, maybe it wasn’t meant to me. And then of course I found my calling. Well, not only did I drastically change my professional line I also realised that even if I am going to be a stay at home working mom I will still look after myself and enjoy my new role.

Anyway’s I jotted down some stuff for new moms who want to get back to work and even otherwise:-

  • Ditch Maternity Wear - As comfortable and practical are your maternity clothes a maximum of 5 – 6 months is more than enough to wear post the baby’s arrival. It is extremely hard to take out time for yourself but take it from my personal experience if you don’t start early it just piles up.
  • Wear nice clothes – Your body size has changed yet it doesn’t mean that wearing ill-fitting or loose clothes shall hide that excess flab. That is a myth. Don’t go all out and fancy, yet wear something that brings a smile to your face and not make you look drab.
  • Hair – I am sure and I say it from experience that new moms can do better than scrunching up wet hair and neglect hair care to carry on with other chores. I figured out a simple trick to this. Firstly, have a head wash and leave your hair in the towel for a bit. Then, open them and do a quick blow dry so that they aren’t dripping wet.
  • Make Up – It always uplift the mood to apply make up to enhance your looks. I always apply kajal and a lip gloss.
  • Work Space – Since I suffer from OCD I had this planned even before I had thought of what I am going to do once my son was a little older. A nice wooden desk was my choice. However, I know a lot of my friends who work from home even use their dining table as their work space or any nice nook in the living room.
  • Comfort Zone – Like most offices have a space where all colleagues meet for a quick tea break and to discuss more fun stuff than office chores, similarly even at home create a space where you would want to sit when taking a break from work. For me that is my reading area, it’s got easy seating and I just take a breather when am completely fried.

Are you a stay at home working mom? If so how is your routine like? Share with us!

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